О терминах (концептах) и понимании по Фейнману

О терминах (концептах) и понимании по Фейнману

by Евгений Волков -
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Фейнман о злоупотреблениях терминологией и о подлинном научном понимании
“I finally figured out a way to test whether you have taught an idea or you have only taught a definition. Test it this way: You say, 'Without using the new word which you have just learned, try to rephrase what you have just learned in your own language. Without using the word "energy," tell me what you know now about the dog's motion.' You cannot. So you learned nothing about science. That may be all right. You may not want to learn something about science right away. You have to learn definitions. But for the very first lesson, is that not possibly destructive?“

Виктор Горбатов и Big Think поделились ссылкой.
Richard Feynman's method for understanding science can also be used…

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