Карл Поппер о теориях и экспериментах

Карл Поппер о теориях и экспериментах

by Евгений Волков -
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“Every scientist who claims that his theory is supported by experiment or observation should be prepared to ask himself the following question: Can I describe any possible result of observation or experiment which, if actually reached, would refute my theory?
If not, then my theory is clearly not an empirical theory. For if all conceivable observations agree with my theory, then I cannot be entitled to claim of any particular observation that it gives empirical support to my theory.
Or in short, only if I can say how my theory might be refuted, or falsified, can I claim that my theory has the character of an empirical theory.
This criterion of demarcation between empirical and non-empirical theories I have also called the criterion of falsifiability or the criterion of refutability. It does not imply that the irrefutable theories are false. Nor does it imply that they are meaningless. But it does imply that, as long as we cannot describe what a possible refutation of a certain theory would be like, that theory may be regarded as lying outside of the field of empirical science.”
Karl Popper, 'The Myth of the Framework'.

Евгений Волков
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Gerardo Antonio Reina Castillo
Gerardo Antonio Reina Castillo ' “What really matters in science is theory, which we arrive at by thought, and by understanding the problems that we have to solve. We aim, in science, to discover the truth about something that interests us, to discover true explanatory theories. Contrary to what is often supposed, we do not arrive at explanatory theories by making experiments. Experiments, of course, do have a vital role in science, but their role is primarily critical. Of course, most of the theories we will think up as possible explanations will be false, but this should not discourage us, for if we discover something to be false, we do, at the same time, discover something that is true. Furthermore, the discovery that a certain line of approach is not successful will be a valuable addition to our understanding of the problem that we are trying to solve.”
Karl Popper, in a tv-discussion with John Eccles and Fons Elders. The interview can be found in ‘Reflexive Water – The Basic Concerns of Mankind’ (ed. Fons Elders). It contains other interviews too.' Quoted on July 14th
Adrian Roman
Adrian Roman The importance of negative findings cannot be stressed enough. Управление

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