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Писаное (красивое и сильное) мышление — многократно и хорошо прописанное мышление

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The Hochman Method

The Writing Revolution provides teachers with an evidence-based and proven instructional methodology, the Hochman Method.


This system enables students to master the skills that are essential if they are to become competent writers. In turn, those skills equip students to become better readers, to communicate more effectively in writing and speaking, and most importantly, to elevate their thinking.

The Hochman Method is a set of specific writing strategies that teachers use in all subjects, including ELA, social studies, science, foreign languages and math, and in every grade.

Across the country, students are being held to higher, more rigorous standards. These standards provide a set of goals, but rarely provide a map showing teachers how to reach those goals. The Hochman Method is that map.

The Six Principles of The Hochman Method

  • Students need explicit instruction in writing, beginning in the early elementary grades.
  • Sentences are the building blocks of all writing.
  • When embedded in the content of the curriculum, writing instruction is a powerful teaching tool.
  • The content of the curriculum drives the rigor of the writing activities.
  • Grammar is best taught in the context of student writing.
  • The two most important phases of the writing process are planning and revising.

Benefits of the Strategies


Learn more about the benefits the Hochman Method’s proven strategies provide for students, classrooms and schools.

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"We had the good fortune to discover Dr. Hochman’s approach in 1988 through our son, who was her student at Windward. Since then, we’ve taught writing using The Hochman Method to elementary school reluctant writers in Harlem, adolescents studying the trades in Vermont, community college students struggling to put words to paper, and to hundreds of teachers baffled by how to improve their students’ writing."

— David and Meredith Liben, Student Achievement Partners and ReadingDoneRight.org

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