Библиография | Кусочек синего неба / A Piece Of Blue Sky — Bibliography


For those interested in releasing friends or relatives from the grip of Scientology, I strongly recommend Steven Hassan's Combatting Cult Mind Control, Park Street Press, Vermont, 1988.

For an overview of Scientology beliefs and techniques see The Volunteer Minister's Handbook or The Scientology Handbook.

ALDISS, Brian, Trillion Year Spree, Gollancz, London, 1986.

ASIMOV, Isaac, In Memory Yet Green, Doubleday, New York, 1979.

BEDFORD, Sybille, Aldous Huxley, a Biography, Collins and Chatto & Windus, London, 1974.

BOLITHO, William, Twelve Against the Gods, Heinmann, London, 1930.

BURKS, A.J., Monitors, CSA Press, Lakemount, Georgia, 1967.

CAMPBELL, The John W. Campbell Letters, ed. Chapdelaine, Chapdelaine & Hay, AC Projects, Tennessee, 1985.

CAVEND1SH, R., The Magical Arts, Arkaria, London, 1984.

CLECKLEY, Hervey, M.D., The Mask of Sanity, Times Mirror, New York, 1982.

CONWAY & SIEGELMAN, Snapping, Dell, New York, 1979.

COOPER, Paulette, The Scandal of Scientology, Tower, New York, 1971.

CORYDON, Bent, L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?, Lyle Stuart, New Jersey, 1987.

CROSSMAN, Richard, The Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Vol. 3, Hamilton & Cape, London, 1977.

CROWLEY, Aleister, The Book of Thoth, Samuel Weiser, Maine, 1984.
- The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, ed. Symonds and Grant, Bantam, New York, 1971.
- Magick in Theory and Practice, Castle, New York.

EVANS, Dr. Christopher, Cults of Unreason, Harrap, London, 1973.

FODOR, Nandor, The Search for the Beloved, Hermitage House, New York, 1949.

FORTE, John, The Commodore and the Colonels, Corfu Tourist Publications & Enterprises, Greece, 1981.

FOSTER, Sir John, Enquiry into the Practice and Effects of Scientology, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

FREUD, Sigmund, Two Short Accounts of Psycho-Analysis, Pelican, Middlesex, 1984.

GARDNER, Martin, Fads & Fallacies in the Name of Science, Dover, New York, 1957.

GARRISON, Omar, The Hidden Story of Scientology, Arlington, London, 1974.
- Playing Dirty, Ralston-pilot, Los Angeles, 1980.

GRUBER, Frank, The Pulp Jungle, Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles, 1967.

HOFFER, Eric, The True Believer, Harper & Row, New York, 1951.

HUBBARD, L. Ron, All About Radiation, Scientology Publications Organization, Denmark, 1979.
- The Background and Ceremonies of the Church of Scientology of California, World Wide, CSC, East Grinstead, 1973.
- Battlefield Earth, Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, 1982.
- The Book of Case Remedies, Department of Publications World Wide, East Grinstead, 1968.
- The Book of E-Meter Drills, Hubbard College of Scientology, East Grinstead, 1967.
- The Book Introducing the E-Meter, compiled by Reg Sharpe, Hubbard College of Scientology, East Grinstead, 1966.
- The Creation of Human Ability, Department of Publications WW, East Grinstead, 1968.
- Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1975.
- Dianetics 55, Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, 1971.
- Dianetics: the Evolution of a Science, AOSH DK Publications Department, Copenhagen, 1971.
- Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, AOSH DK Publications Department, Copenhagen, 1973.
- Dianetics: The Original Thesis, Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, 1970.
- Dianetics Today, CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1975.
- Electropsychometric Auditing, USA, 1951.
- E-Meter Essentials 1961, Publications Organization World Wide, 1968.
- Have You Lived Before This Life?, two different editions: Department of Publications World Wide, England, 1968; CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1977.
- HCOPL Subject Index, CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1976.
- How to Live through an Executive, Department of Publications World Wide, East Grinsmad, 1968.
- Hymn of Asia, CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1974.
- An Indexed Summary of Scientology and Dianetic Policy, 4 volumes, PR & Consumption Bureau of the Flag Bureaux, 1972.
- An Indexed Summary of Technical Bulletins, 3 volumes, PR & Consumption Bureau of the Flag Bureaux, 1973.
- Introduction to Scientology Ethics, Publications Department, Denmark, 1973 (differs from later edition).
- The Management Series 1970-1974, CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, May 1975.
- Mission Into Time, American St. Hill Organization, 1973.
- Modern Management Technology Defined, CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1976.
- Notes on the Lectures, Publications Organization WW, Edinburgh, 1968.
- Organization Executive Course - An Encyclopedia of Scientology Policy, volumes 0-7, CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1974.
- The Philadelphia Doctorate Course Lectures, New Era, Copenhagen, 1982.
- The Phoenix Lectures, Publications Organization World Wide, Edinburgh, 1968.
- The Problems of Work, Publications Department, Denmark, 1972.
- Professional Auditor's Bulletins, 6 volumes, Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, 1975 (originals also consulted).
- The Research & Discovery Series, volumes 1-9, Scientology Publications, Copenhagen, 1980, New Era Publications, Copenhagen, subsequent years.
- The Road to Truth, taped lecture, Golden Era Studios, 1983.
- Ron's Journal 1967, taped lecture of 1967, Golden Era Studios, 1983.
- Ron's Journal 38, Golden Era Studios, 1983.
- Ron's Journal 39, Golden Era Productions, 1985.
- Ron The Writer, L. Ron Hubbard Library, USA, 1989.
- Science of Survival, Hubbard College of Scientology, 1967.
- Scientology - A History of Man, Publications Organization World Wide, Edinburgh, 1968 (originally published as What to Audit, with a further chapter, in 1952).
- Scientology - A New Slant on Life, Publications Department, Denmark, 1972.
- Scientology: A New Religion Emerges in the Space Age, Scientology Information Service, 1974.
- Scientology 8-80, Publications Department, Denmark, 1973.
- Scientology 8-8008, Publications Organization WW, Edinburgh, 1967.
- Scientology 0-8, Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, 1970 (differs from later editions).
- Scientology - The Fundamentals of Thought, Publications Department, Denmark, 1972.
- Self Analysis, International Library of Arts and Sciences, USA, 1951.
- The Story of Dianetics & Scientology, taped lecture of 1958, Church of Scientology, 1977.
- The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1979.
- Understanding the E-Meter, New Era, Copenhagen, 1982.
- The Volunteer Minister's Handbook, CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1979.
- The Way to Happiness, Regent House, Los Angeles, 1981.
- What Is Scientology?, CSC Publications Organization, Los Angeles, 1978.
- When in Doubt Communicate, Scientology Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1969.

KAUFMAN, Robert, Inside Scientology, Olympia Press, London & New York, 1972.

KING, Francis, The Magical World of Aleister Crowley, Wiedenfield & Nicolson, London, 1977.
- Ritual Magic in England, Neville Spearman, London, 1970.
- The Secret Rituals of the OTO, ed. King, C.W. Daniel, London, 1973.

KOPPES, Clayton R., JPL and the American Space Program, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1982.

LIFTON Robert, Thought Reform and Psychology of Totalism, Norton, New York, 1961.

MALKO, George, Scientology: The Now Religion, Delacourte Press, New York, 1970.

MILLER Russell, Bare-Faced Messiah, Michael Joseph, London, 1987.

NEEDLEMAN, Jacob, The New Religions, Crossroad, New York, 1984.

O'BRIEN, Helen, Dianetics in Limbo, Whitmore, Philadelphia, 1966.

PERLS, Fritz et al., Gestalt Therapy, Pelican, London, 1973.

ROGERS, Alva, "Darkhouse," in Lighthouse number 5, February 1962.
- A Fan's Remembrance.

ROLPH, C.H., Believe What You Like, Andrй Deutsch, London, 1973.

ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, Scientology - An in-depth profile of a new force in Clearwater, Florida, 1980.

VOSPER, Cyril, The Mindbenders, Neville Spearman, London, 1971.

WALLIS, Dr. Roy, The Road to Total Freedom, Heinmann, London, Columbia, New York, 1977.

WINTER, Dr. Joseph A., A Doctor's Report on Dianetics, Julian Press, New York, 1951 & 1987.

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