AAA = Advanced Ability Center
ABLE = Association for Better Living and Education
ACU = All Clear Unit
AG = Assistant Guardian
AO = Advanced Organization
ARC = Affinity, Reality, Communication
ASI = Author Services Incorporated
B-1 = Branch One, GO
CMO = Commodore's Messenger Organization
COSMOD = Church of Scientology Mission of Davis
CSC = Church of Scientology of California
CSI = Church of Scientology International
DG = Deputy Guardian
ED Int = Executive Director International
FEBC = Flag Executive Briefing Course
FLB = Flag Land Base
FN = Floating Needle
FOIA = Freedom of Information Act
HASI = Hubbard Association of Scientologists International
HCO = Hubbard Communications Office
HCOB = Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin
HCOPL = Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter
HDRF = Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation
HQS = Hubbard Qualified Scientologist
I HELP = International Hubbard Ecclesiastical League of Pastors
IAS = International Association of Scientologists
IMO = International Management Organization
KSW = Keeping Scientology Working
LRH Pers PRO = Hubbard Personal Public Relations Office
MCCS = Mission Category Sort-Out
MEST = Matter, Energy, Space and Time
MSH = Mary Sue Hubbard
NAMH = National Association of Mental Health
NED = New Era Dianetics
NED for OTs = New Era Dianetic for Operating Thetans
Nibs = L. Ron Hubbard Jr.
NOTs = New Era Dianetics for Operating Thetans
OEC = Organization Executive Course
OT = Operating Thetan
Ops = (GO) Operations
OSA = Office of Special Affairs
OTC = Operation & Transport Company
OTO = Ordo Templi Orientalis
PDC = Philadelphia Doctorate Course
PTS = Potential Trouble Source
Purif = Purification Rundown
RJ 67 = Ron's Journal 1967
RPF = Rehabilitation Project Force
RTC = Religious Technology Center
Scn = Scientology
Sec Check = Security Check
SHSHBC = Saint Hill Special Briefing Course
SMI = Scientology Missions International
SO = Sea Organization
SOCO = Social Coordination Bureau
SP = Suppressive Person
Tech = Technology (of Scientology)
Theta being = Thetan
TR = Training Routine
TR-L = Training Routine - Lying
VGls = Very Good Indicators
WDC = Watchdog Committee
WISE = World Institute of Scientology Enterprises
WW = World-Wide |